On Borrowed Time – The Novel – Characters

Little old lady on borrowed time battles evil schemes with her cat and detective

Tailor a character in the novel On Borrowed Time by Gill Heritage


I may be small but you'd better watch out, especially if you leave jaffa cakes lying carelessly around. I'll climb the highest walls, abseil down the trickiest curtains, conceal myself in knitting bags, stow away on any vehicle which is going my way and even play dead if necessary.

Findor a character in the novel On Borrowed Time by Gill Heritage


I'm a ginger cat who values his nuts and you can't get much nuttier than some of the humans I have to deal with! I don't say much but when I'm not eating or sleeping I feel that actions speak louder than meows.

Dactyl a character in the novel On Borrowed Time by Gill Heritage


Are your parents a pain? Well they can't possibly be as bad as mine – thank goodness I've still got my Gran and my Doc Marten's boots that's all I can say. What you looking at? Yes I might have a new boyfriend but I'm not telling you.

Saracen a character in the novel On Borrowed Time by Gill Heritage


I'm the cool guy from the Crypt.

Millicent a character in the novel On Borrowed Time by Gill Heritage


I'm surrounded by idiots. My plans are perfectly simple – if they'd only follow my instructions. I'll stop at nothing to get what I want.

Nigel a character in the novel On Borrowed Time by Gill Heritage


Do you like my medallion? Solid 22 carat gold – Ah, Millicent, what a woman, high maintenance, high cost, high volume. Well I can always take cover under the Telegraph.

Bob a character in the novel On Borrowed Time by Gill Heritage


Need a missing person tracking down? I'm your man – I may not look sharp but my middle name is clue.